Alterenergys DIY Alternative Energy Wind Solar Hot Water Electricity Biodiesel

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Home Page

Our website is for all the people who are looking for infomation to be able to try an alternative energy source. This could be for your Electrical Heat or your HotWater Systems. Industrial Commercial Farming Domestic Systems, maybe your Garden or even your Greenhouse.

Please feel free to browse our website - you may use the information provided freely .

The idea behind our website :

The main idea behind this website is to give you an alternative understanding as for the many uses of alternative energy.That can be adapted to the systems you may already have in place. Or maybe starting from new. That can be adapted to your design.

Alternative energy

Definitions :

Oxford Dictionary - energy fuelled in ways that do not use up natural resources or harm the environment.

Princeton WordNet - energy derived from sources that do not use up natural resources or harm the environment.

Responding to Climate Change 2007 - energy derived from nontraditional sources (e.g., compressed natural gas, solar, hydroelectric, wind).

Natural Resources Defense Council - energy that is not popularly used and is usually environmentally sound, such as solar or wind energy (as opposed to fossil fuels).

Materials Management Services - Fuel sources that are other than those derived from fossil fuels. Typically used interchangeably for renewable energy. Examples include: wind, solar, biomass, wave and tidal energy.

What is 'accessibility' and why is it important?

This site has been designed for easy Accessibility.

Accessibility is about making your website available and understandable for everyone, including users with disabilities. W3 explains it in a great way at the Web Accessibility Initiative.

This allows visitors to use the following accesskeys:
1 - Back to top | 2 - Skip to site menu | 3 - Skip to main content | 4 - Return to index.html

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Open source is freedom!

If you like our site and would like to contribute your ideas in any way, you are free to do so. The information released on this site is open source, which means that you are free to use any of this information and change to suit your needs, may you want to.

I kindly ask that If you use this information for your design for commercial purposes, please consider making a symbolic donation through this link.



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Sustainable Energy


Alternate versions :

Included in our site are the following site alternatives:
- Main version
- No images version
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